Trio Cantabile

Welcome to our next concert! 21 April 15:15 h – 17:00 h , The English Church Amsterdam, Begijnhof 48

Tickets at the door : 20.- euro / CJP 15.- euro or via this link:

reservations mail to:

The composer Christoph Willibald GLUCK brought about a revolution in the opera world with his new composing style in the 1760s, bringing beautiful simplicity and calm greatness into his musical “language of humanity” as he called it himself. He gave the lyric drama truth of passion – to be expressed as naturally as possible.

In this concert you will hear arias, duets, and piano solo, from his operas OrphéeParide ed ElenaIphigénieLes Pèlerins de la Mecque, and also from operas by his colleagues Cimarosa and Piccinni.


Andrea Wittchensoprano

Augusto Valencatenor

Jack de Biepiano

Augusto Valença, tenor, Andrea Wittchen, soprano, Jack de Bie, piano

            Jack de Bie, piano,  Andrea Wittchen, soprano, Augusto Valença, tenor


Zondag middag 10 oktober 2021, aanvang 15.15 uur

Engelse Kerk, Begijnhof 48 , Amsterdam

Trio Cantabile viert zijn 10-jarig jubileum met een saluut aan

Charles Gounod

Andrea Wittchen, soprano

Augusto Valença, tenor

Jack de Bie, piano

Aria’s en duetten uit o.a. Faust, Romeo et Juliette, Mireille, Cinq Mars,  Philémon et Baucis en een piano-solo werk van Franz Liszt.

